Our Vision
- To see Lure Coursing recognised by the Kennel Club alongside other canine activities.
- To grow the sport among all sighthound breeds and see Club’s holding licensed competitions across the UK.
- To have recognised and acknowledged Sighthound Sports titles and champions.
- To enable British Sighthounds to compete at FCI European and World Championships.
Our Mission
- To promote ‘Fit For Function’ sighthounds.
- To encourage the participation in Lure Coursing of all eligible breeds.
- To encourage support of Special Lure Coursing and Racing classes all dog shows which schedule them.
- To run Lure Coursing Competitions.
- To keep canine health at welfare at the heart of our activities and promote responsible care when participating in Lure Coursing.
- To promote the breeds according to the Kennel Club standard.
UKSS is welcoming members originating from existing lure coursing and racing clubs, plus those with little sporting experience but with backgrounds in all the breeds concerned.
We see a future with multiple KC registered Lure Coursing clubs and societies from which UKSS and they will create a working party to take the activity forward.